Spiny Softshell turtle for sale
The spiny softshell turtle for sale is the coolest of all species of soft shelled turtles. These guys and gals are 100% captive bred by us and ready to ship overnight to your doorstep. Caring for a baby spiny softshell turtle is fairly easy. Like any other species of water turtles for sale, they will require the proper turtle habitat.
Spiny Soft Shelled turtle
If you are considering a new spiny soft shelled turtle for sale, check out our full sizes of available babies through juveniles. Our real live water turtles include our full live arrival and health guarantee. When considering a new spiny or any soft shell, please look at getting a well started baby over a hatchling. They are much more established and just easier overall to care for. Of course, they are priced a tad higher because of the time we have into them, but it is an easier new turtle to care for by far.
spiny softshelled turtles for sale
When considering setting up a soft shelled turtle habitat, consider the size now as a baby turtle as well as when it’s a full grown adult.
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