Bearded Dragon Care Sheet

Bearded dragon care

We handle all of our baby hypo bearded dragons early and often! We handle them often in order to ensure a tame, pet quality bearded dragon.  All of our babies ship overnight and arrive to you the following morning via FedEx or UPS.  We have a huge amazing variety of bearded dragon colors, including the red bearded dragons, orange, hypo paradox, paradox, citrus, witblit, hypo bearded dragon for sale, hypo, hypo-trans, yellow, red, and even hypo paradox.  More common bearded dragon color morphs include the fancy bearded dragon.

Bearded dragon colors

Bearded dragon colors are some of the most vibrant in all the reptile kingdom! Here are we offer the following bearded dragon morphs for sale:

hypo bearded dragon breeder

When arm waiving takes place, a female (and occasionally males) lifts a front leg in the air and “wave” it as a submissive gesture. A spiny “beard” from which the lizard gets its common name may also be extended.

Although, it’s uncommon for tame captives to do so; dragons typically do this when alarmed.  Baby bearded dragons for sale can be flighty at first but quickly can become tame relaxed pets!

hypo bearded dragon for sale

If you are considering purchasing a baby bearded dragon for sale and looking for the best bearded dragon price anywhere, you have found the right place.  CB is a responsible bearded dragon breeder offering some of the best colors anywhere.

Did you know that the baby beardie is generally considered one of the all-time best pet lizards?  Beardies are well known for being alert, hardy and tame.  Because bearded dragon owners love watching their lizards, whether during a feeding frenzy while chasing crickets or simply interacting with each other. Lastly, Beardies exhibit interesting behaviors, too, such as arm waving.

hypo dragon breeders

Bearded dragons are commonly available at pet stores, reptile expos, and bearded dragon breeders’ websites.  As a bearded dragon breeder, our goal is to produce the most beautiful specimens that also make the best pets.  A real bearded dragon breeder near me should be trusted much more over a reseller like a Pet store selling bearded dragons cheap.  Also, experienced baby bearded dragon company will be able to provide you the proper bearded dragon care information.  Because this is important and will enable you to provide the correct and best possible care.  We recommend reviewing all care concerns before purchasing a healthy baby bearded dragon.  All types of colors are available including white bearded dragon morphs and more!

baby bearded dragons for sale

Captive-bred specimens are highly recommended because they are usually healthier.  Also, captive bred bearded dragons for sale are much calmer in captivity than wild-caught animals. Various color morphs are available, too (though they’re more costly than “normal-colored” animals).   Lastly, here at CB we only work with captive bred reptiles for sale online.

bearded dragon Size

Bearded Hatchlings measure about 4 inches; large adults can be nearly 2 feet in length.

Bearded Dragon Lifespan

Average captive lifespan is between six and 10 years, though there are reports of specimens living twice that long.  As you would think, better food and care provides a longer, better life for our bearded friends.

Bearded dragon enclosure

While a hatchling dragon could live in a 20-gallon aquarium for a short time, it will quickly need a larger enclosure. Second, choose a 75-gallon aquarium or equal-sized enclosure is OK for one or two adult dragons. Lastly, screening should be used for proper ventilation, whether as a top on an aquarium enclosure or in the construction of a custom enclosure.  We use custom enclosures here at CB for all of our bearded dragon breeders.

During warm weather, pet dragons can be kept in outdoor cages. Be sure the outdoor enclosure provides both sunny basking areas and shady retreats, as well as shelter from the rain. Having access to the sun outdoors provides healthy UV. Bearded dragons like to climb, so some sturdy branches are welcome in their enclosures.

leatherback bearded dragon for sale

Want to learn how to hold a bearded dragon, or how to pick up a baby leatherback bearded dragon? Handling your bearded dragon is easy if you do it correctly! Bearded dragons are generally quite docile and will tolerate handling better than other lizard species. This is especially true of adults that have spent their entire lives in captivity (of course, there may be exceptions). It’s not unusual to visit a reptile expo and see fat and happy bearded dragons lounging amid merchandise at vendor tables, or perched on their owners’ shoulders.

UVB Lighting

In addition to the basking spotlight, provide full-spectrum UVB (ultraviolet-B spectrum of light) lighting over the rest of the enclosure so your dragon can grow and soak in the rays of the sun. Because lighting is critically important for dragons that are kept indoors, as it assists them in synthesizing vitamin D3, which aids in calcium absorption. also, there are many types of bearded dragon UV lights available.  Be sure to consult with store employees and read the packaging to determine the best for your setup.  Also, spend some time reviewing our free bearded dragon care sheet.

Do not forget your temperatures! Heat can also be provided using reptile heat tape controlled by a reptile thermostat.  Also, you may use ceramic heat emitters and other devices available here at CB reptile. Keep a thermometer in the enclosure to track the cage temperature. At night, temperatures may go as low as 65 degrees.

Bearded Dragons for sale

Bearded dragons like it pretty darn hot. A basking spot of about 100 degrees works well for them. The basking site can be provided by a spotlight (such as a mercury vapor bulb AVB) or a ceramic heating element, positioned over a rock, branch, etc. at one end of the enclosure. Keeping the spotlight at one end of the cage will allow your bearded dragon for sale to thermoregulate (move between a cooler end of the enclosure and the hotter end with the basking area). The cooler end of the enclosure can be kept at about 80 degrees.

Bearded Dragon Diet

Baby bearded dragons are omnivorous, meaning they eat both animal and plant matter. They are not usually picky and eat with gusto. Insects, such as crickets and mealworms, should be dusted with a vitamin/mineral supplement and calcium. Dusting can be achieved by placing the insects in a plastic bag with some of the powder and shaking the bag to lightly coat the insects prior to offering them to your lizards.  Also offer baby bearded dragons for sale finely chopped veggies (such as romaine lettuce, zucchini, carrots, etc.), greens (collard, mustard, dandelion, etc.) and fruit (kiwi, banana, mango, etc.). Use healthy, vitamin-rich items; sprinkle the appropriate amount of powdered supplements on these foods, too. Avoid iceberg lettuce because it is not nutritious.

Bearded Dragon food

Bearded will also eat pinky mice, and a wide variety of nutritionally balanced manufactured diets are available at pet stores, too. Again, if you keep your dragons on sand, offer food on a shallow dish rather than placing it directly on the substrate.

Bearded Dragon water

Mist your bearded dragons using a water spray bottle; they’ll lick water droplets off cage walls, rocks, etc., as well as themselves. Don’t overdo it; you don’t want their enclosure to get too wet and become humid. Offer water in a dish that is large enough for them to soak. Be sure to keep this dish and the water in it clean.

Rare Bearded Dragons for sale – Substrate

Sand is commonly used with baby bearded dragons, though there is a concern, especially when keeping young lizards, that intestinal impaction could result if they accidentally eat some. It is not recommended that you keep young bearded dragons on reptile sand, or any kind of loose substrate. Newspaper, paper toweling or reptile carpet (though watch for loose threads or areas that can snag dragon toenails) would be better choices.

adult bearded dragons for sale

Also, adult bearded dragons for sale can be kept on these same substrates. If you must use sand, playground sand (available at hardware and do-it-yourself stores) is a decent choice due to the fact that it’s not as dusty as other types of sand. Because you can also purchase digestible “reptile sand” at reptile and pet stores, though opinions on the safety of these are varied. If you try some, be sure to follow manufacturer directions. Don’t forget that sand mixed with clean soil that has not been treated with any fertilizers, pesticides, etc., can also be used with adult bearded dragons.

If you keep your baby bearded dragons on the sand, reduce the risk of impaction by offering food on a shallow dish rather than placing it directly on the substrate.

baby Bearded Dragon

Although several other species are becoming available as pet bearded dragons for sale, the most commonly available variety is the central or inland bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps. Interestingly, species is native to arid, rocky areas of Australia, and is typically tan/brown in coloration (but several color morphs are also available).

Handling your red baby bearded dragon

When handled regularly, baby dragons can turn into excellent pet bearded dragons as they mature.  Here at CB, we handle our baby dragons as often as possible to ensure they’ll adjust quickly and become a tame pet bearded dragon sooner than you’d expect.

bearded dragon for sale

Did you know that the bearded dragon name is derived from the spines that line their throats? Interestingly, these spines usually lie flat but if the dragon feels threatened, the throat is expanded causing the spines to stand up and making the dragon look like they have a beard and more intimidating (especially combined with their tendency to flatten their bodies to appear wider). However, bearded dragons are generally docile and their aggressive displays are rarely seen in captivity which makes them very popular pet reptiles for sale.

hypo bearded dragon for sale

Here at, all of our red bearded dragon babies are bred for color and intensity!  By choosing top quality adults to work with, our diverse genetic group of adult dragons produce some of the most stunning and vibrant offspring in the USA.  Depending on what bearded dragon colors you are searching for, you may find something super common or exotic to your liking.  The more rare the bearded dragon color morphs the higher the cost.  Usually the most popular colors include the famous classic red bearded dragon, orange, citrus, hypo yellow and more.  Paradox bearded dragons are also beautiful and carry a bunch of colors, some blue and yellow, orange and yellow or red and yellow.  Typically leatherbacks are the best looking form of the paradox dragons.

Bearded dragon care

bearded dragon care

Bearded dragon care guide

bearded dragon care guide

Bearded dragon enclosure

bearded dragon enclosure