caramel albino slider turtle
Probably the most popular water turtle for sale in the country, the red eared slider turtle is a great little animal. Slider turtles for sale as they often referred to, represent a group of small to medium size freshwater aquatic turtles. Keeping a red ear slider turtle can be quite easy so long as you have the correct set up.
caramel albino slider turtle
Referred to as the Albino slider turtle from time to time. These guys are known for a red Painted Mark on the side of their head where their ear canal is. Did you know that the slider turtle is available and various color morphs? After years and years of breeding, turtle breeders, were able to isolate certain colors and breed them back to one another, producing some crazy color option.
The albino slider turtle is also available as a caramel albino slider as well as a lemon lime Albino, turtle, or a snow albino slider. These crazy colors known as color morphs are a little bit more pricey, as they’re obviously rare. Basically, as a rule of thumb, the more rare, the color, or the more rare, the animal, the higher, the price tag. Enthusiast looking to have something super unique should expect to spend about two times the amount for the common slider.
caramel albino slider turtle care
Care for the Albino slider turtle for sale is fairly easy. When small 15 gallon tank is more than adequate. By juvenile stage, they should have something that’s closer to 55 gallons and buy adult stage 75 gallons or more per turtle. Sure you can fit them in something smaller, but for them to have ample swimming space, and be happy and healthy, we recommend providing as much space as possible.
caramel albino slider turtle diet
Feeding your slider turtle is quite easy. We recommend a high-quality baby turtle food like reptomin. We offer a full line of turtle food here at our Turtle store. You may also feed earthworms, right into the water, and other types of insects, as that does provide them additional protein for their diet.
Slider turtles for sale
The most popular species of any turtle for sale including aquatic turtles and live turtles for sale is the Slider. A variety of slider turtle color morphs exist due to selective captive breeding. Some include the regular red eared slider turtle for sale, as well as the caramel albino slider turtle, and albino slider turtle to name a few. Amazingly these guys all just look identical with different colors and shell designs! Then the variants come from the regular slider, like the yellow belly slider turtle and peacock slider turtle.
slider turtle habitat
The habitat should start off as a 15 gallon to 25 gallon tank but when they’re full grown should be as high as 75 gallons or more. You can certainly keep more than one together but we recommend additional filtration and possible more swimming space if available and within your budget. Having a dry dock, that floats is imperative from day one of owning a baby slider. A UVB lamp should be provided that spans the length of the entire aquarium and runs for at least 6 to 8 hours a day.
Keep in mind that this will promote algae growth, and you will need to invest in something to control your algae, whether it be filtration, fish that eat algae, or combination of the two. Water temperature should be in the area of 72 to 78°.
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